Get rid of your WFH excel spreadsheets!

We see a lot of companies using WFH excel spreadsheets to ensure the office doesn’t get too crowded. This is our modest contribution to the fight against Covid 😷🥊…: We’ve just added a new feature to the complete version of Waldo and the free version as well 🤗: You can now set a maximum number of days […]

Put aside your parking reservations – just ask Waldo

Parking reservation for Microsoft Teams

In places like the US, the UK and Canada, vaccination rates have been high enough to allow an easing of lockdown restrictions. This means employees and employers are ramping up for their inevitable return to the office. And what do you think is the first thing they will do when they arrive? For those with […]

Navigating the highs and lows of desk sharing

desk sharing highs and lows

As offices worldwide start opening back up their doors, a mix of remote and in-office working will probably become the norm. A recent Microsoft study found[1] that 66% of surveyed employers plan to introduce or expand hybrid working plans, with 70% of employees wanting hybrid working options to remain in place post-COVID. As part of […]

The Legalities of Working from Home

legalities working from home

During the COVID-19 health crisis, many employees across the U.S. and Canada started working from home (WFH), either out of obligation or personal choice. And this trend is showing signs that it may continue well beyond the resolution of the pandemic. Studies have highlighted[1] that productivity does not go down when working from home, but […]