The Waldo blog

All the latest flex office news.

Waldo demo two minutes

The full demo in 2-minutes!

Discover, in less than two minutes, how Waldo makes your office truly flexible!

compare waldo microsoft places

Microsoft Places comparison guide

Get rid of your WFH Excel spreadsheets!​

Parking reservation Microsoft Teams

Put aside your parking reservations - Just ask Waldo​

Your offices directly in Microsoft Teams

Manage your offices, teleworking and your entire car park from a central tool. And it’s all 100% integrated with Microsoft Teams.

Latest news

compare waldo microsoft places

Microsoft Places comparison guide

Are you looking to compare Microsoft Places and Waldo or searching for an alternative to Microsoft Places? …

flex office focus work

Tips for staying productive and avoiding distractions in a flex office environment

Distractions are an inevitable part of work life. With everything we do, there is…

legalities working from home

The Legalities of Working from Home

During the COVID-19 health crisis, many employees across the U.S. and Canada…